Shoot me:

We went to Alibaug after a long time. During our
high school days, we went there atleast once every
two months. Lots of time has passed since. We are
now busy with our new office jobs. After a lot of
planning, postponing and again re-planning, we
could finally manage to get this weekend that
suited all of us for a break.
We are a group of three girls. Myself Neha and my
two best friends, Shweta and Chandni. We are best
friends since our school days, and as is quite
common with best friends, we shared everything –
our food, dresses, feelings, thoughts and more
recently our fantasies.
Normally we used to borrow Chandni’s father’s big
SUV for our trip. Chandni’s father never allowed us
to drive it and always instructed his driver Gopal to
drive us to wherever we wanted to go. This time
we decided to take Chandni’s new i20. Chandni’s
dad had gifted it to her on her last birthday.
Chandni herself was driving. She loved her car. It
was decorated with all sorts of small accessories
which made it truly Chandni’s car.
We also decided not to go to our usual resort and
instead try something different. We had shortlisted
a few resorts from the travel sites. On our way to
one such resort, which had the highest star
reviews, we stopped by the road for a sugarcane-
juice break. We had finished 2 glasses each and
were debating whether we should order for a
third repeat, when a big BMW sedan came to a
stop besides us. As the glass on the passenger’s
side was lowered, a gorgeous looking lady with
large glares leaned her face out and called,
“Excuse me.”
It was directed towards us. I decided to step
forward and asked, “Yes?”
“Do you have any idea which way is that resort?”
she asked with an attitude that was declaring that
she was either a model, or an actress, or some rich
spoilt girl. “Which resort?” I asked.
“That resort. I forgot the name but it is supposed
to be the best around here with a heated
swimming pool and everything. Do you know or
you don’t?” She obviously did not know how to be
“No. We don’t know where that resort is. But, if
you are lost, try looking for Alibaug Janta Lodge. I
am sure you will feel at home.” Chandni curtly
replied from my side before I could give her some
The look on the rich babes face was that of shock.
She couldn’t believe someone can talk to her with
that tone. She was getting ready to give it back to
Chandni when someone from behind her stopped
her and got out from the driver’s side.
I saw a tall, lean and extremely handsome guy
come out from the driver’s side and approach me.
His hair was curly and colored dark brown. He was
wearing shiny aviator goggles. He came near me
and with the most charming smile said, “Let me
apologise if my companion here was bit rude to
you. Actually we are a little lost. We misplaced the
directions to the resort and none of us here recalls
the name. We have been trying to ask for
directions for some time now and are getting a
little frustrated. Do you by any chance know a
resort around here which is famous for its in-
house water sport park? I think it is near by some
bird sanctuary.”
I knew exactly which resort he was talking about.
It’s the Royal Resort where we used to go every
time we used to come here before. We loved the
water sports there. But I didn’t reply to him. I was
completely engrossed by the charm of this man.
His voice was so deep and calm. He was atleast 5
feet and 10 inches tall. His skin was tanned due to
prolonged exposure to sea sun and was having a
shiny effect.
He took his goggles off and was waiting for me to
answer. The half-smile on his face never left him.
His eyes seem to hypnotize me and all I wanted to
do at that moment was attack his full dark brown
Thankfully Shweta came to my rescue. “I think you
are looking for the Royal Resort. It’s down this
road only, probably another 5-6 kms from here.”
“Thank you very much. You have saved a lot of life
today.” He turned briefly towards Shweta before
his eyes turned back on me. I was still standing
there unable to take my eyes off him.
I don’t know how long I was standing like that
making a fool of myself. My trance was broken
when he turned towards the car and with a playful
voice said, “Want to have a glass of sugar cane
juice girls?”
All the windows of the car came down and I could
see atleast 4 stunningly beautiful looking girls
sitting inside the big BMW. “No” several voices
replied. “Let’s just get to the resort fast” one of
them continued.
The rude girl sitting on the front kept quiet. She
was looking at Chandni. Chandni however was not
paying much attention to her and continued to
watch the sugar canes being crushed to get the
juices out.
“Ok then.” The guy turned back towards me.
“Good bye. Please don’t mind the trouble. Nice to
meet you.” He put his goggles back and went back
towards the driver’s seat. Once he was inside the
car and out of my sight, only then I was back to my
Shweta was looking at me with an expression of
disbelief on her face. As soon as the car was out of
our sight, she burst out in a fit of laughter.
Chandni joined her and both of them continued to
laugh looking at me. “Neha, what happened to
you?” Chandni managed to speak in between her
laughs. “I can see the guy was a photocopy of a
Greek God, but you got dumb back there.”
I was now getting angry at them. I was already
feeling embarrassed by how things went and these
two girls were adding to my misery. “Ok, enough
fun. Let’s move on.” I said heading towards the
Chandni and Shweta were still giggling when they
came and joined me in the car. Both of them gave
me a teasing look and I decided not to add to their
fun by reacting. I concentrated on the scenery
outside as we resumed our journey towards our
It was around 10 o’clock and the weather was
surprisingly cool for this time of the year. I loved
the greenery around the road and was continuing
to focus my thoughts towards them. It was a vain
attempt as I was not able to take that man out of
eyes. His voice was still ringing in my ears. His
smile was so arresting and his lips were definitely
the most perfect shape that I had ever seen.
My chain of thoughts was interrupted when I felt
the car slow down. I saw Chandni pulling the car
out of the road towards the entrance of what
looked like a big hotel. I looked out at the familiar
gate and garden around the driveway. It took me
some time to realize that we were inside the Royal
I looked at Chandni and said, “What are we doing
here? We decided to try some other resort this
She glanced at Shweta and said with a mischievous
voice, “We decided you would enjoy more here.”
“You two think this is funny? I had already made a
fool of myself and I don’t want to look like a
greater one by following that guy straight to his
hotel.” Even as I was saying this, my heart beat
started rising thinking the man is nearby. I was
desperate to get one more look at him.
“What nonsense.” Chandni replied. “There is no
reason to think we followed him. And who, by the
way, would think that? That rude bitch? Who
cares?” She continued.
True. And even if that bitch thinks so, who cares. I
kept quiet. Inside, I was jumping with excitement.
We quickly handed our luggage to the bell boy and
booked our rooms. It was off-season and the
resort was mostly empty. We got our usual room.
A big 3-bed room with a lovely view of the bird
sanctuary on one side.
I was tempted to ask in which room that man was
staying. But, decided not to. I didn’t want to give
these two girls any more fodder to pull my leg.
We went to our room and got freshened up. We
decided to hit the pool straightaway. We changed
to our swim suits and wrapped the house coat
over it. The pool was empty as was most of the
hotel. It was a temperature controlled pool and
extremely relaxing.
We took off our house coats, took a quick shower
by the pool, and jumped straight in. It felt lovely
with the quite surrounding, cool weather and
complete privacy. We wondered what took us so
long to come back to Alibaug.
Chandni and Shweta were playing silly games with
one of the many bright colored balls left floating
on the pool, when we heard a group of girls
approaching. There were 4 of them, all stunningly
beautiful. It took us some time to realize that it was
the same set of girls who were inside that BMW. All
of them had picture perfect figures with long
flowing hairs. I couldn’t make out who that rude
one was. They all looked so similar to each other in
similar looking flowing dresses.
They gave a casual glance at us three inside the
pool and were making themselves comfortable on
the benches around the pool. Chandni, Shweta
and I looked at each other and decided to ignore
My heartbeat had doubled. Where was that man?
Surely, he was part of the group. Why isn’t he here
along with these girls? As these and many other
questions clouding my mind, I could see him.
He entered the pool area with a large camera in
one hand and a tripod on another. He was
completely un-mindful of us there. He took one
look at the surrounding and selected a spot to fix
his tripod on. He then became extremely busy with
his camera and did not even look at us once.
was trying my best not to make a fool of me again.
I took a long dip inside the water to change the
mood and swam towards Chandni. Chandni had
also noticed the guy and was perhaps expecting
me to get stunned again. “He is a photographer”.
Chandni said as I reached by her side. ”Yes, and
those are surely his models.” I added.
Shweta also joined us. “The aura around these
bimbos is polluting the surrounding. I am going
back to the room. Don’t know what they will be
doing next!” Shweta started to get out of the
Chandni looked at me. I wanted to stay. I wanted
to get a good look at the man, now that the
chance is here. But, I was not happy with the zero
attention he was giving us. “Let’s leave then. I am
in the mood of a wine” I said.
I followed Chandni out of the pool. She collected
her towel lying on the pool floor and left. My
house coat and towel was lying on a bench near to
where that man was setting his camera. I slowly
walked towards him. As I passed him, he finally
lifted his face from the camera to look at me. I
pretended not to recognize him and went passed
him. His gaze was now following me. As I bend
over to pick up the towel from the bench, I could
sense the chattering of the girls stopped. All of
them obviously were looking at me as made a
show of picking up the towel.
My figure was nowhere perfect as them but I had
ample curves at places that mattered. I knew the
man was getting a clear view of my boobs from
the side. I put one leg up the bench and started
drying them with the towel. From the corner of my
eyes I could see him looking at me. I wondered if
he was clicking me as well.
After giving him a good show of my boobs and ass
to him. I finally turned to leave the pool. I again
passed him on my way and gave him a glance. His
eyes were on mine and I knew he had recognized
me. He smiled from the corner of his lips and I
returned smiled at him. I left the pool and reached
my room.
Chandni was waiting outside. “What took you so
long?” She asked. “Nothing.” I lied.
We boozed for some time and after having a light
lunch fell asleep. It was evening when we wake up.
We decided to go to the beach. Allibaug has one of
the most beautiful lonely beaches. The beach is
flat and you could walk a long way inside the sea
before the water even reached your waist.
We stayed there for quite some time and when we
reached the resort back it was already dinner time.
We were hungry also, as we had a very light lunch.
We decided to have the dinner at the restaurant
only. As we entered, we saw the group of models
sitting at one of the tables.
We took another table and again decided to ignore
them. Their photographer was sitting separately at
the bar and talking to the bartender. As we
entered, his eyes met mine and throughout the
course of our dinner kept looking at me from time
to time.
As we finished our dinner and were waiting for
our deserts, an idea occurred to me. I took a
tissue paper and wrote something on it with my
lipstick. Then I asked one of the waiters to give the
tissue to the man sitting at the bar. Shweta saw me
writing and asked, “What’s the plan?”
I smiled at her. “Whatever it is, you two are not
part of it.” I was getting excited.
“Whatever. I don’t care, even if you are planning to
fuck that guy. I am tired and am going straight to
bed.” Chandni said. Shweta however was still
interested to know. “I will tell you later.” I said to
fend her off.
The waiter handed the tissue to the guy at the bar
and pointed towards me. The man looked at me
for a moment and opened the folded tissue paper.
Inside he saw was written with red lipstick, “Shoot
He again turned back at me and gave me a smile
of acknowledgement. My heart skipped a beat. I
was feeling a tension grow all over my body. I
could feel my panty go wet. Chandni noticed the
smile on my face and nodded her head sideways.
“Shweta, time for us to leave.” She left the table
pulling Shweta along with her.
The group of models had left 10-15 minutes back.
We were alone in the restaurant. Me and the guy.
The guy came over to me and occupied the seat
opposite me. For a long time he kept on staring at
me without saying a word. Finally he said “Meet
me by the pool side in half an hour.”
I looked at the watch. It was 10.30 PM. “The pool
gets closed at 8.” I said. I realized this was the first
time I spoke to him.
“Don’t worry. I will take care of that. Just be there in
30 minutes.” He said and left without giving me
chance to say anything else. I watched him leave.
He walk told me he was little drunk.
I went back to our room. Shweta was waiting for
me there. Chandni was already on her bed,
pretending not to care, what happened down
“So?” Shweta asked, as I pulled a dress from my
suitcase and walked towards the bathroom. “Are
you going to tell us or not?” She continued.
“I have decided to have some fun tonight.” I
replied from inside the bathroom. “Let’s see how it
goes. I will tell you girls when I come back.”
“Where are you going by the way?” She continued
to probe.
I came out of the bathroom and gave her a smile.
“Don’t worry. I will tell you everything. Right now I
don’t want to talk about it. Just want to go with the
flow.” I said.
“Just be careful.” Chandni said yawning. I gave her
a kiss on her cheek and got out of the room. I
looked at the watch and it was showing 10.55 PM. I
reached the pool in another 5 minutes and saw
the man lying on one of the benches. He sat up
seeing me approaching. I had selected a flowing
dress that ended just over my knees for the
occasion. I had worn the dress only once before in
one of the office parties and it had a lasting effect
on all the men.
The guy stood up and came near me. I could see
his camera placed by the side of the bench. There
was a strong wind blowing causing the water of
the pool form small waves. The sound of those
waves was the only sound around. I was little
overwhelmed by the surrounding. Night and
darkness has this tendency to turn even the most
familiar places mystical and sometimes scary.
The guy gave a good look at me from head to toe.
My dress was swinging with the wind. It was a
semi tight dress that gave a good indication of my
figure. The wind was also fluffing the lower end of
the dress and causing it to move up from time to
The guy gave a drunken smile. “You look
beautiful.” That was all that he could manage to
say. How many times have I heard that? “Thank
you.” I politely replied. I went towards his camera
and picked it up. “This looks a pretty complicated
machine.” I commented. The guy laughed. “It
sounds funny when you call it a machine. Haven’t
thought about it as a machine before.” He replied.
He took the camera from my hand and in the
process touched me for the first time. My already
excited body became stiff now. I had this urge to
jump over this guy. “Ok. So how do we start?” I
said. “I have never done a photo shoot before.”
The guy laughed again. “Funny when you say that.
Models generally don’t have to do anything. It’s
the photographer who has to do all the work.
Anyways, we will start by making you feel
comfortable. You look terribly stiff.”
He took my hand and we went towards the
extreme last bench. It was the darker side of the
pool and I was not able to see anything beyond
the bench. “The light will have a better effect here”.
The photographer commented. “By the way, my
name is Roy. It’s a pleasure meeting you.” He
formally introduced himself.
“It’s been a pleasure for me too. My name is
Neha.” I replied.
“Well Neha, why don’t you sit on this bench and let
me have a good look at you. I need to study my
subject before getting down to work.” His voice
was hypnotic. All I could do was follow it to the
Once I sat down on the bench, he very gently held
my legs and put them on the bench. “Please try to
relax.” He said.
My dress was flowing with the wind and was
threating to get over my thighs. I tried to hold
them with my hands, when Roy commanded, “No,
Don’t. Just let them flow. They are making for an
excellent lively picture opportunity.”
I was excited. What is he going to do? Simply
shoot me and leave or will we have some action
today? The thought made me wonder how his dick
looks! No doubt it’ll be great.
My chain of thought was broken when I felt his
touch on my legs. He was trying to position my legs
in a particular fashion. One leg straight and
another half folded. While he was at it, the wind
blew my dress completely up and my white
panties were now in full view.
He took one long look at my panty. His eyes on my
panty were making me leak hopelessly. “That is a
wonderful choice of color. Your white panty is
giving the perfect contrast to this dark setting.” It
took me some time to digest that this completely
stranger just spoke to me about my panty.
“Thanks”, was all that I could say.
“I have an idea”. He sounded excited. “Why don’t
we focus on your panty in this shoot? I am sure
you will love the end result.”
“Whatever you prefer. Just shoot me.” I was getting
He now came closer to me and bent down on my
panty. I could feel his breath on my bare thighs.
He gently touched my thighs with the tip of his
fingers. Goosebumps appeared all over my thighs.
He gave a smile.
Slowly he started caressing my thighs. His eyes
were now on mine. I knew he could clearly see the
desire burning in my eyes.
He took his eyes off mine and went back to
admiring my legs. “You have beautiful legs.” He
said. “I am going to enhance the beauty of them.”
His hands were now roaming more freely and
were now dangerously close to my panty.
I was almost shaking with desire. His hands were
now over my panty. I was enjoying the scene of his
hands over my panty. He was feeling every ups
and downs of the anatomy of my most secretly
guarded treasure.
Suddenly his hands stopped. I looked at him. “On
second thoughts, I think the panty may not
enhance the picture.” He was almost speaking to
himself. “I am going to have to take them off.”
“Whatever you prefer. Just shoot me.” I closed my
He slid his hands under the soft elastic of my panty
and tried to pull it down. I lifted my hips to assist
him. My panty was now sliding down my legs. The
cold wind struck my bare pussy and made me
shiver. He threw my panty over his shoulder and it
fell somewhere in the dark.
He now leaned on my pussy and I thought he was
going to give it a kiss. But he didn’t. He was looking
at them and was enjoying its sweet fragrance. I
wanted to push his head on my pussy and wanted
to feel his tongue inside them.
He came very close and I was feeling his breath on
my pussy now. He now touched the leaking wet
part of my pussy with the same tender fingers. I
twitched on the bench. His touch was so tender; it
made a volcano erupt inside me.
He looked up at me and smiled again. He placed
his camera on my thighs and adjusted the angle. I
was curious what he was doing. He then placed his
lips on my pussy and gave it a gentle kiss. His
tongue was now licking the continuingly flowing
wet juices. My legs were getting parted on instinct.
I wanted his tongue even deeper.
He was playing with my desire. He did not go any
deep but continued to lick the sensitive opening of
my vagina.
While he was still licking, he adjusted his camera
again. I understood he wanted to shoot his tongue
inside my pussy. I fresh wave of desire swept me.
In my mind I was already imagining how that
picture would look like.
He clicked his camera and the sudden bright light
of his flash almost blinded me.
Suddenly, not very far from where we were lying,
we heard a sharp sound, that sounded like a
shout of a woman. The shout was incomplete and
it sounded as if it was muted with force.
Roy lifted his face from my pussy and both of us
were now looking towards the dark, trying to
determine the direction from where the noise
came. We listened very keenly and heard the
muted moan of a woman.
No, there was no mistake. It was a muted moan of
a woman. We also seem to hear some male voices
as well.
Roy was now on his feet. He started moving into
the dark following the source of the sound. I was
feeling scared. I was still lying half naked on the
bench. My legs were still shaking with a mixture of
desire, cold and fear. I didn’t know where Roy
threw my panty.
I decided to follow Roy. I quickly got up and came
behind him. He turned at me and signaled to keep
quite. I held his hands. The cold wind was still
blowing over my bare pussy from under my dress.
We reached a small gate. Very quietly we opened
it. On the other side was a small area which
looked like a small garden. A lighted hurricane
lamp was placed on one side.
In the semi darkness, the scene I saw gave me the
greatest shock of my life. 3 men, all naked, were
holding a semi naked woman down. One of the
men was holding her mouth and preventing her
from screaming; the other one had his dick inside
her and was pumping her wildly. The third one
was playing with her boobs and trying to tear
down the remaining pieces of clothes from her
They must have been here quite long as we did
not hear them come. How did they get here?
There must be some other entrance to this garden
other than this gate on the pool side. I was
holding both my hands on my mouth as I
prevented a shriek escape me. I could now see the
face of the woman being raped. She was the bitch
we had a heated argument earlier in the morning.
Roy had also recognized her. He could not stop
himself. He shouted, “Bastards. Stop. Now.” And
leaped towards them. They were taken by surprise
by the sudden shout of Roy. The woman also saw
Roy and with renewed vigor tried to free herself.
The man who was playing with her boobs moved
swiftly and grabbed hold of Roy. Both of them
rolled on the grass and began strangling each
I was standing shocked, not knowing what to do.
Suddenly I saw the guy with his dick inside the
woman move his hand and reveal a shiny black
revolver he was holding. Surely, it was with this
revolver that they were able to keep the woman
silent while they were taking turns at fucking her.
Roy was lying very near to this man with the
revolver. The man moved swiftly and with one
violent blow stuck the butt of the revolver on Roy’s
head. Roy’s strangle-hold slacked and his
unconscious body fell on one side.
I could not control myself and let out a scream.
The guys were startled. They had not realized Roy
was not alone. All of them were now staring at me.
The guy with the gun pointed the gun at me.
After their initial shock was over, they looked at
each other and smiled. They were perhaps
reflecting on how lucky this night was for them.
First they got to rape a ravishingly beautiful model
and now they had their chance with me.
The woman was still pinned to the ground. She
was also shocked to see how they hit Roy. She
turned towards me and cried, “Run.”
The man who was keeping her quite gave her a
tight slap and banged her head on the ground.
The man with the gun started sprinting towards
me. His dick was still dangling outside the zip of his
I turned and started to run. It was a bad idea. It
would have been much better if I would have
allowed these 3 men rape me. Atleast, I would
have been alive.
While I was passing the pool and rushing towards
the exit, I heard the shattering sound of the
revolver being fired. Almost simultaneously I could
feel the bullet entering my back. A sense of intense
heat was overcoming my body. I sensed I lost my
balance fell inside the pool with a loud splash.
As I felt my body was getting drowned, my last
thoughts went back to the dinner table. I could see
myself pull a tissue and with my Red lipstick write
on it, “Shoot me”.
--- The End ---
Guys, please write to me with your comments at

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